Appraisal and authentication of African antique art or antiquities
Ancient African art stretches from south of the Sahara to the Horn of Africa in the East, where similar artistic traditions can be observed. Pre-dating colonization, this art was long ignored by Europeans. In the 19th century, it was appreciated only its exoticism. At best, wealthy men, having returned from their travels, exhibited it in their cabinets of curiosity. Little effort, therefore, was devoted to its conservation, which explains its rarity. However, since the 20th century, these antiquities have been enjoying renewed interest on the art market.
The splendor of Nubian Egypt, with its brilliant civilization, continues to enthrall and fascinate to this day.
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Antique art or antiquities
Ancient African art: the utility of beauty
Often functional, the value of these furnishings and objects essentially lay in their daily use. Used day after day for religious or domestic activities, many of them were broken or discarded after use. However, there are some who recognize the artistic value of these ancient, everyday objects. Musical instruments, weapons and sculptures, scattered across the centuries and the African continent (sometimes by nomadic tribes), can now be found in Europe and all over the world, where they are enjoying great renown. Ceremonial objects, such as religious masks and protective statuettes, bear witness to a spiritual, magical culture that attracts many collectors. The textile art applied to certain masks, for example, is a marvel of opulent ornamentation. The diversity of these long-abandoned techniques, has become an inexhaustible source of inspiration for contemporary artists.
Expertise: the recognition of authentic art
This craftsmanship, kept alive well into the 20th century, remains no less fascinating for its beauty, regardless of its age. Today, certain African craftsmen continue their work and have become masters in the art of “making the old new.” The expert’s eye is essential in disentangling the real from the fake, and attempting to identify the object’s geographical and temporal origin. In order to evaluate the piece, specialists carry out a thorough investigation, with the help of reference catalogs, museum data sources and their own experience. Numerous elements complement the African art expert’s view of the object: aesthetics; cultural and ethnic origin; craftsmanship; materials; and its condition.
Consequently, the appraisal of ancient African art requires a solid knowledge of the society to which the object belongs. If the owner’s objective is resale or insurance, a value appraisal by our independent professionals is essential. Specialists in the world market, they estimate the value of the piece online in just 48 hours, and issue a full appraisal certificate based on a few photos. The originality and rarity of ancient African art fuels a constantly growing market, and reconstructs Africa’s distant, little-known history.