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This is the rating and price for Abdelaziz Charkaoui – Prices, auctions and analysis

Abdelaziz Charkaoui

     Morocco, 1963
Interested in valuating work by this artist ? 
Last 24 Months
Average Sale Price Sell-Through Rate Realized Price / Estimate
$1 997.34 50% 18.37%

Top sales

None, None
Compagnie Marocaine des Oeuvres et Objets d'Art (CMOOA), Morocco, , 01/03/2014
$1 979.12/$1 979.12
Sold $2 660.00
26.60% of the estimate

None, None
Compagnie Marocaine des Oeuvres et Objets d'Art (CMOOA), Morocco, , 01/03/2014
Sold $2 660.00
26.60% of the estimate

None, None
Compagnie Marocaine des Oeuvres et Objets d'Art (CMOOA), Morocco, , 14/03/2015
$1 000.30/$1 000.30
Sold $2 182.00
21.82% of the estimate


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