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Ancient art

Global art market

Know the value of African statuary

Although the provenance of an African sculpture is considered an important criterion, it is only one aspect of the value of a work. Many other factors should also be taken

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Fang Statuary

The Fang are a major ethnic group of Central and West Africa and form part of the population of Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, and Cameroon. They produce monumental anthropomorphic wooden statues,

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Yoruba Ere Ibeji

Between the time of their creation and that of their acquisition, the perception of Yoruba ere ibeji figures shifts. Initially seen as receptacles for the souls of one or both

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Informe exclusivo: El mercado del arte africano en 2024

Una guía completa para comprender las oportunidades y tendencias del mercado del arte africano en 2024. Acceda a información exclusiva.

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