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Consulter la cote et le prix de Lega Knife

Description : Wood and iron - 25,5 cm D.R. Congo Published: A.Safiannikoff, Les Warega et les Wabembe Une extraordinaire culture sociale et une étonnante civilisation sans écriture en Afrique centrale Safannikoff Editeur 2005, p.103b Fig 17a
Prix: 0.00 USD C'est GRATUIT! créez un compte pour lire l'info
Estimations(basse-haute) : 200 EUR-300 EUR C'est GRATUIT! créez un compte pour lire l'info

À propos du lot n° 129
Titre : Lega Knife
Dimensions : 25,5 cm
Notes : The Lega gems from the Alexandre Safiannikoff Collection After a rich experience in the naval arm of the Russian Imperial Army and the arrival of the Revolutionnaries, Alexander Safiannikoff (1903-1988) broke a three century long tradition of familial involvement in the imperial russian army to arrive in France in 1926. He became there geolist and engineer geologist in Nancy. From 1929 to 1931, he prospected for a french mining company, in Tchad, Ubangi-Shari and French Equatorial Africa. In 1931, he continued his carreer in the Belgian Congo and was hired for a mission in the Maniema by the company of the Baron Empain. Alexandre Safiannikoff stayed in Congo more than 40 years mainly in the provinces of Kivu and Maniema. He had the chance to observe the Lega People and their art. He collected numerous objects and wrote a large essay on the objects related to the Bwami organization. This essay is now subject to an editing project with the Royal Museum of Central Africa in Tervuren.
Native, Salle de vente , Bruxelles, BE C'est GRATUIT! créez un compte pour lire l'info
Titre de la vente : Tribal Art, Modern Art and 20th Century furniture
Date de la vente : 27/01/2018 C'est GRATUIT! créez un compte pour lire l'info
Référence de l'enchère : Live Sale

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