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Dorothy Kay (1886-1964)

Dorothy Kay (South African 1886-1964) THE TRAVELLERS signed canvas laid down on board 60 by 90cm LITERATURE Marjorie Reynolds, Everything You Do Is A Portrait Of Yourself, Dorothy Kay, A Biography Rosebank, 1989 p. 170, illustrated in colour The painting-a horizontal composition-has a background of mountains and sky unusual for Dorothy's work, behind two foreground figures of an African man and a woman, centrally placed. As in the sketchbook, the man carries over his left shoulder a stick from which hang calabashes and possessions, as if he is travelling from place to place. The young woman following behind him has a baby tied to her back and carries on her head a roll of reed matting balanced on a red circular pad of cloth. The fully signed canvas is undated, and is privately owned. It is tempting to link this painting with two titles of work exhibited in 1944. The Travellers and/or Wayside meeting, about which nothing is known. The painting of the two centrally placed figures might be a subject dating from Dorothy's Transkei sketching trip, as it could be considered to fulfil the three artists' discussions and compositions. The luminosity of this painting is remarkable, reminding one of many of the little paintings dating from the period of The Iron Bridge and including The Old Harbour, Port Elizabeth, catalogued as circa 1918 when exhibited in the South African National Gallery in Cape Town in 1982. ibid pp 170 & 171 ILLUSTRATED

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