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Consulter la cote et le prix de Buste De Dignitaire Portant Ceinture Et Amulette Autour De La Taille.

Description : Buste de dignitaire portant ceinture et amulette autour de la taille. Terre cuite orangée. Nok, Nigeria, 500 av JC – 500 ap JC. Dimension : 30 cm de hauteur.
Prix: 0.00 USD C'est GRATUIT! créez un compte pour lire l'info
Estimations(basse-haute) : 250 EUR-350 EUR C'est GRATUIT! créez un compte pour lire l'info

À propos du lot n° 274
Titre : Buste De Dignitaire Portant Ceinture Et Amulette Autour De La Taille.
Medium : Terre cuite orangée.
Dimensions : 30 cm de hauteur
Literature : Tribal art is the visual arts and material culture of indigenous peoples. Also known as ethnographic art, or, controversially, primitive art, tribal arts have historically been collected by Western anthropologists, private collectors, and museums, particularly ethnographic and natural history museums. The term primitive is criticized as being Eurocentric and pejorative. Tribal art is often ceremonial or religious in nature. Typically originating in rural areas, tribal art refers to the subject and craftsmanship of artefacts from tribal cultures. In museum collections, tribal art has three primary categories: African art, especially arts of Sub-Saharan Africa Art of the Americas Oceanic art, originating notably from Australia, Melanesia, New Zealand, and Polynesia. Collection of tribal arts has historically been inspired by the Western myth of the noble savage, and lack of cultural context has been a challenge with the Western mainstream public's perception of tribal arts. In the 19th century, non-western art was not seen by mainstream Western art professional as being as art at all. The art world perception of tribal arts is becoming less paternalistic, as indigenous and non-indigenous advocates have struggled for more objective scholarship of tribal art. Before Post-Modernism emerged in the 1960s, art critics approached tribal arts from a purely formalist approach, that is, responding only to the visual elements of the work and disregarding historical context, symbolism, or the artist's intention. African art describes the modern and historical paintings, sculptures, installations, and other visual culture from native or indigenous Africans and the African continent. The definition may also include the art of the native African, African diasporas, such as African American, Caribbean and other American art. Despite this diversity, there are some unifying artistic themes when considering the totality of the visual culture from the continent of Africa.[1] Masquerade, metalwork, sculpture, architecture, fiber art, and dance are important art forms across Africa and may be included in the study of African art. The term African art does not usually include the art of the North African areas along the Mediterranean coast, as such areas had long been part of different traditions. For more than a millennium, the art of such areas had formed part of Islamic art, although with many particular characteristics. The art of Ethiopia, with a long Christian tradition, is also different from that of most of Africa, where traditional African religion (with Islam in the north) was dominant until relatively recently.[2] African art includes ancient art, Muslim art of North and West Africa, the Christian art of East Africa, and the ritualistic art of these and other regions. Most African sculpture was historically in wood and other natural materials that have not survived from earlier than, at most, a few centuries ago, older pottery figures can be found from a number of areas.[3] Masks are important elements in the art of many peoples, along with human figures, often highly stylized. There is a vast variety of styles, often varying within the same context of origin depending on the use of the object, but wide regional trends are apparent, sculpture is most common among groups of settled cultivators in the areas drained by the Niger and Congo rivers in West Africa.[4] Direct images of deities are relatively infrequent, but masks in particular are or were often made for religious ceremonies, today many are made for tourists as airport art.[5] Since the late 19th century there has been an increasing amount of African art in Western collections, the finest pieces of which are now prominently displayed. African mask art has had an important influence on European Modernist art,[6] which was inspired by their lack of concern for naturalistic depiction. West African cultures developed bronze casting for reliefs, like the famous Benin Bronzes, to decorate palaces and for highly naturalistic royal heads from around the Bini town of Benin City, Edo State, in terracotta as well as metal, from the 12th–14th centuries. Akan goldweights are a form of small metal sculptures produced over the period 1400–1900, some apparently represent proverbs, contributing a narrative element rare in African sculpture, and royal regalia included impressive gold sculptured elements.[7] Many West African figures are used in religious rituals and are often coated with materials placed on them for ceremonial offerings. The Mande-speaking peoples of the same region make pieces from wood with broad, flat surfaces and arms and legs shaped like cylinders. In Central Africa, however, the main distinguishing characteristics include heart-shaped faces that are curved inward and display patterns of circles and dots. East Africans are known for Tinga Tinga paintings and Makonde sculptures. There is also tradition of producing textile art, .[4] The culture from Great Zimbabwe left more impressive buildings than sculpture, but the eight soapstone Zimbabwe Birds appear to have had a special significance and were presumably mounted on monoliths. Modern Zimbabwean sculptors in soapstone have achieved considerable international success. Southern Africa's oldest known clay figures date from 400 to 600 AD and have cylindrical heads with a mixture of human and animal features. Visual arts by indigenous peoples of the Americas encompasses the visual artistic traditions of the indigenous peoples of the Americas from ancient times to the present. These include works from South America, Mesoamerica, North America including Greenland, as well as Siberian Yup'ik peoples who have great cultural overlap with Native Alaskan Yup'iks. Oceanic art or Oceanian art comprises the creative works made by the native people of the Pacific Islands and Australia, including areas as far apart as Hawaii and Easter Island. Specifically it comprises the works of the two groups of people who settled the area, though during two different periods. They would in time however, come to interact and together reach even more remote islands. The area is often broken down into four separate regions: Polynesia, Micronesia, Australasia, and Melanesia. The former two share a common ancestral culture of the Lapita, while the latter two comprise settlers of the first wave of people into the area. All of the regions in later times would be greatly affected by western influence and colonization. In more recent times, the people of Oceania have found a greater appreciation of their region's artistic heritage. The artistic creations of these people varies greatly throughout the cultures and regions. The subject matter typically carries themes of fertility or the supernatural. Art such as masks were used in religious ceremonies or social rituals. Petroglyphs, Tattooing, painting, wood carving, stone carving and textile work are other common art forms. Contemporary Pacific art is alive and well, encompassing traditional styles, symbols, and materials, but now imagined in a diversity of contemporary forms, revealing the complexity of geographic, cultural and individual interaction and history.
Notes : Sculptures - Bronzes - Terracotta - Plaster - Wood - Ivory Sculptures - Bronzes - Terre cuite - Plâtre - Bois - Ivoire
Millon Riviera, Salle de vente , Nice, FR C'est GRATUIT! créez un compte pour lire l'info
Date de la vente : 29/09/2018 C'est GRATUIT! créez un compte pour lire l'info
Référence de l'enchère : Live Sale

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